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Webhook Not Receiving Requests


I've set up a webhook to receive and preanswer, ringing, and calling. At first I set it up without a specific call center targeted, and I wasn't receiving anything so I added the only call center the company has as the target, and I am still not seeing any requests coming through to my endpoint. We are trying to send call events to an externally available suitelet in NetSuite to be able to send back a screen-pop request with the customer information/page from NetSuite. Here is my call event subscription:
"items": [
"call_states": [
"enabled": true,
"group_calls_only": false,
"id": "6255762592399360",
"target_id": "6355175510966272",
"target_type": "callcenter",
"webhook": {
"hook_url": "https://8173650-sb1.extforms.netsuite.com/app/site/hosting/scriptlet.nl?script=1001&deploy=1&compid=8173650_SB1&h=b5fa4e759036e009cad2",
"id": "6499209123364864",
"signature": {
"algo": "HS256",
"secret": "MBSHPdialpad2023feb",
"type": "jwt"

Thank you,