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Webhook issues

I am using Postman and the published collection.

I am not getting anything through to my Endpoint for an SMS or for a Call (that is probably an issues of the states which I can't seem to update).

I did the webhook create which shows in the webhook List as:
"items": [
"hook_url": "https://workflow-automation.podio.com/catch/XXXXXXXXeola",
"id": "5061704510095360",
"signature": {}

I then created two Different Events which show as:

SMS Event:

"items": [
"direction": "outbound",
"enabled": true,
"id": "5495700889026560",
"include_internal": false,
"status": true,
"target_id": "5105851807842304",
"target_type": "office",
"webhook": {
"hook_url": "https://workflow-automation.podio.com/catch/1jvkxyc50v2eola",
"id": "5061704510095360",
"signature": {}

And a Call Event (which has an unfortunate set of states)

"items": [
"call_states": [
"enabled": true,
"group_calls_only": false,
"id": "6614276635115520",
"target_id": "5105851807842304",
"target_type": "office",
"webhook": {
"hook_url": "https://workflow-automation.podio.com/catch/XXXXXXXXeola",
"id": "5061704510095360",
"signature": {}

So test calls got me nothing but I assume that was due to the states so I tried to make a new event for the same webhook but got told that can't be done. I then tried to do a Call Event Update using the Reference guide but the following payload:

"call_states": [
"enabled": true,
"endpoint_id": "5061704510095360",
"group_calls_only": "false",
"target_id": "5105851807842304",
"target_type": "office",
"webhook_id": "5061704510095360"


"error": {
"code": 404,
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"message": "No endpoint found",
"reason": "notFound"
"message": "No endpoint found"

So no help there.

Some guidance would be appreciated.

I did confirm that the user is part of the office and the office is set up correctly via various API calls.