Stats - Initiate Processing - Getting Same Report
I'm attempting to build our own internal dashboard using the stats, however I'm running into a bug where I keep getting the same download_url when initiating a report request.
If I use 'https://dialpad.com/api/v2/stats' with the same parameters, I get a response such as:
"already_started": true,
"request_id": "4c02e3c6-a0fd-4bdc-a6aa-31887588ef7f"
The already_started value will remain regardless of the time waited and if the report has indeed finished processing. The issue is when I do a get results request using the request_id, I get the same download_url as I have received in the past.
The API states a rate limit of 200 per hour. I'm calling the initiate processing api once per minute, well below the rate limit. Is there a cache period in the background I'm unaware of?