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SMS Event Subscription (API) process

I'm using Zapier successfully with calls and contacts for integration and I want to work with SMS as well which requires me to create a webhook and then use that to create an SMS event subscription. My understanding is that the steps are these:

  1. Create / get a webhook URL from Zapier (done)
  2. Create a webhook for DialPad (creates webhook_id) by passing in the webhook url above, using this -> https://developers.dialpad.com/reference/webhookscreate (done)
  3. Confirm that the webhook was created using -> https://developers.dialpad.com/reference/webhookslist
  4. Create the SMS Event Subscription by passing in the new webhook_id (in the endpoint_id parameter) https://developers.dialpad.com/reference/webhook_sms_event_subscriptioncreate

However I get this error at step 4:

"error": {
"code": 409,
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"message": "You have created an event subscription XXXX_my_webhook_id_here_XXXX with same target and overlapping filters. Please do not create duplicated event subscriptions.",
"reason": "conflict"
"message": "You have created an event subscription XXXX_my_webhook_id_here_XXXX with same target and overlapping filters. Please do not create duplicated event subscriptions."

What am I doing wrong?