Call logs for specific contact
Hi team,
Dialpad for Android Auto and Apple Carplay
When will the Dialpad app be fully functionally on Android Auto and Apple Carplay?
Http request (webhook) when incoming call
Hi. Iām trying to create a webhook. So when a client call in, it will make a http request to another webserver ? Not sure where to look for in the documentation thanks
Can I get any demo video link for Dialpad Mini Dialer
Hi Dialpad Support Team,
Cannot create subscription due to conflict
Not getting "operator_call_id" in response
Currently we have a main line/department which we are all in. I am trying to use the Call --List API to get a list of calls depending on the user who answers. Currently I can't differentiate between users, because every call that goes to the main department ends up on the list.
Can we open Dialpad site/UI app, in an iframe
Hi Dialpad Support Team,
Build into our application portal
We have a call center and we wish to build in the Dialpad application. Is there an application for that?
What App can be used to do a missed call text back for dialpad?
I am coming from a company that did miss call text back. What App can be used to do a missed call text back for dialpad?
Target Name not present in SMS Webhook when sent as group
I have a user which is a member of our "Sales - SDR" group. When they call a user from this group's number and then go in after to send them an SMS, the SMS is sent from the group name/number which you can see here: https://i.imgur.com/cnxp3VI.png