

This endpoint was archived on Feb 01 2022.

Please use the new /api/v2/subscriptions/* endpoints instead.
This is the legacy call event subscription endpoint. For the creation of any new call event subscription, please use the new endpoint api/v2/subscriptions/call which is under the
subscriptions menu on the left sidebar of this page.

Creates a call event subscription for your company. Call events will be sent to the provided URL. To include the recording url in call events, your API key needs to have the
"recordings_export" OAuth scope. If you are using an API key created by a company or office administrator, you do not require the scope, but please reach out to Dialpad support to enable recording URL export. Each subscription should be created with an id in the URL, which can be used to get and delete the subscription in the future. If a secret is provided, call events will be encoded and signed in the JWT format using the shared secret with the HS256 algorithm.

The JWT payload should be decoded and the signature verified to ensure that the event came from Dialpad. If no secret is provided, unencoded events will be sent in the JSON format. It is recommended to provide a secret so that you can verify the authenticity of the event. Call states can be used to limit the states for which call events are sent. Use all to get events for all states. A target_type and target_id may optionally be provided to scope the events only to calls to/from that target.

Added on Apr 1, 2019

Rate limit: 1200 per minute.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!