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Access to Text Logs?

Is there a way to access these text logs? We have access to text statistics, but can't seem to get text logs working. I've talked to support, but no one seems to be able to help. I've had 3 support tickets closed before resolution, so any help would be more than welcome.

Retrieving Call Journey through API

Is their a way to relate the call events coming from the websocket to recreate the call journey? We are trying to programmatically access and save each audio recording from customers calling our sales team, however, because of the way dialpad uses call legs, there are numerous call events that come across for each interaction (i.e. a transfer from one department to another creates a separate call leg and recording id). The goal is for us to store a single audio file with the entire conversation between the customer and our team for each interaction.

Some question about apis

How to get our staff users call history and recording files

PATCH callcenters/operators/{user_id}/dutystatus 400 Error

## Background I was attempting to update a user to `on_duty: false` but received an error message I haven't seen before. I could not find any differences between this user and others and was unable to find any documentation that would indicate what went wrong. ## Request: `PATCH https://dialpad.com/api/v2/callcenters/operators/{user_id}/dutystatus` ## Response: ``` { "error": { "code": 400, "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "message": "User is on a state that cannot be changed manually", "reason": "badRequest" } ], "message": "User is on a state that cannot be changed manually" } } ``` Can you please provide some guidance on what is going on here.

User License type mapping

Hi, I am using <https://developers.dialpad.com/reference/planavailable_licensesget> api to retrieve licenses <br> Sample response: { "additional_number_lines": "0", "contact_center_lines": "0", "fax_lines": "0", "ppu_address": { "country": "jp" }, "room_lines": "0", "sell_lines": "0", "talk_lines": "3", "tollfree_additional_number_lines": "0", "tollfree_room_lines": "0", "tollfree_uberconference_lines": "0", "uberconference_lines": "0" } Using [this](https://developers.dialpad.com/reference/userslist) users api to get licenses assigned to each user. I can see license filed in each user object it will be enum (admins agents dpde_all dpde_one lite_lines lite_support_agents magenta_lines talk) ![Untitled](https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/eae97c9d-bd89-4367-8d0d-1476cd80111a/947b30b9-58a0-4ecb-b3d6-6cb112533b92/Untitled.png) How do we map this license in user api and licenses we are getting in licenses api. Please help.

System keeps prompting to 'press 1' even when that option is unchecked in Your Devices Advanced Settings

In Your Devices -> Advanced Settings, I have unchecked the box for "Include a verification prompt to 'press 1' for forwarded calls." I still get the prompt in my forwarded device. What am I missing?

Subscription API throwing 403 Forbidden error

<https://dialpad.com/api/v2/subscriptions/call> not working with Salesforce what can be the reason. Dialpad Conversation insights integration giving error: Code: 403. Insufficient permission to access company-level subscriptions. Provide a target_id and target_type to access target-level subscriptions. Please Contact Dialpad support

Testing SMS integration with sandbox account

<br> Hi Our company provides Dialpad Voice call integration to our customers. Our customers will be able to convert incoming/outgoing calls from Dialpad to tickets <br> We are using a sandbox account and there is no provision of adding phone numbers to departments and contact centers. To test our integration for incoming calls, we had to follow a workaround of routing calls that happen on the mainline number to a contact center. Even though it doesn't seem straightforward we managed to test call webhooks registration and its working by following this workaround Now we are working on providing SMS support to our Dialpad integration. Customers must be able to create tickets upon Incoming/Outgoing SMS in Dialpad. How do we go about testing the SMS flows with the sandbox account as there are no phone numbers? We tried sending the SMS'es to the mainline number but the SMS webhooks are not getting triggered? Kindly suggest a way forward

How to get id of a User Group?

I would like to get a stats endpoint to get calls only from/to a particular user group <https://dialpad.com/api/v2/stats> { "days_ago_end": 7, "days_ago_start": 0, "export_type": "records", "stat_type": "calls", "timezone": "UTC", "target_type": "staffgroup", "target_id": "{How to get this value}" } Thanks

Need to get last 7 days of call transcripts, Is stats endpoint the only option?

I have a use case where I need transcripts of calls made in last 7 day. My current approach is to call: <https://dialpad.com/api/v2/stats> with { "days_ago_end": 7, "days_ago_start": 0, "export_type": "records", "stat_type": "calls", "timezone": "UTC" } and then wait for csv file to get generated. Once file is generated get list of call Ids from file and use the call id in each line of file to pull transcript with below endpoint: <https://dialpad.com/api/v2/transcripts/{call_id}> Two questions: - Is there a more efficient way to pull transcripts directly? - In stats endpoint how can I filter call by USER/GROUP?