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Clean Up Call Routing UI/UX

If our Main Line or a Department is configured to route to IVR (or other setting), the default Call Routing settings to Operators cannot be adjusted or viewed without deactivating the IVR.


Hi do you have SLO for using API?

Rate Limit for Get Stats

Hello, I have a question regarding the rate limit on the Stats endpoint. I'm currently requesting various data for a call center report and I'm approaching the rate limit. Does the rate limit apply individually to each API Key used for the calls? If I have two API keys (belonging to the same Dialpad Company) making requests to the endpoint, will the rate limit be 200 requests per API key or 200 requests per company?

I want to receive my scheduled call log report using API

I created a scheduled report using Create Scheduled report and used Get scheduled report to get web socket assosiated with it , i ran following code on my ide and waited for 3 am EST , so this report can be received at my web socket but i didnt receive any payload . My scheduled report id is 6076509209575424 <br /> Can you please let me know why ? <br /> <br /> import websocket import json # Define the callback function for receiving messages def on_message(ws, message): # Print the payload received print("Received payload:", message) # Optionally, if the message is in JSON format and you want to parse it try: data = json.loads(message) print("Parsed JSON:", data) except json.JSONDecodeError: print("Received non-JSON message") <br /> # Create the WebSocket app and assign the callback functions ws = websocket.WebSocketApp( "wss://platform-websockets-6kqb5ajsla-uc.a.run.app/events/eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6InZuZC5kaWFscGFkLndlYnNvY2tldCtqd3QifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJlbmRwb2ludDo0NTY1Mzc2MjQ2MDM4NTI4OnNjaGVkdWxlX3JlcG9ydHM6NjA3NjUwOTIwOTU3NTQyNCIsImV4cCI6MTcyMTIwNzA0NCwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9kaWFscGFkLmNvbSIsImlhdCI6MTcyMTIwMzQ0NH0.F26YaatkDCtgKQnOevc3txN5Qk4Gm9epNclD5yJABeb7sQRn-XDw1wpItMeZImVQt-Y1kM\_-z8YTV_l5jdrQWw" on_error=on_error, on_close=on_close ) ws.on_open = on_open # Start the WebSocket connection ws.run_forever()

Stats API Avg Wrap Up time

Is there a way to get average wrap up time using the API for stats? I'm using this URL for testing, I have so far been unable to get a csv with the "avg_wrapup_time", not sure what the correct configuration is supposed to be <https://developers.dialpad.com/docs/stats-api-dialpad-analytics>

How do I send sms messages from our main line phone number via api?

I'm getting a 404 response when I try to send an sms message from our main line. I'm using a fully provisioned API key, but it claims that the mainline user cannot be found. Has anyone had experience getting this to work?

Get Call Transcript API Permission?

I am trying to use the call Transcript API and I am not able to complete the request. I get a 404 error saying "not found or cannot be accessed due to insufficient permissions". The API key is corrent and I am trying multiple different call IDs with the same result. I have maxed all the permissions in the admin portal for this api key. Is there a hidden setting to turn on or does support have to turn it on?

Is there any limit to receive call events data via webhooks

Hi I am just wondering is there any limit on the call event data that we receive thru webhooks Thanks Vivek <br /> <br />

CTI Dark Theme

It would be great if the CTI Dialer had the option to set a dark theme, when it is integrated into apps or pages that are dark.

Call event - ringing clarification

For example, I have a department with 3 assigned operators and a ringing webhook state setup. If someone calls the main department line, it will create 4 separate ringing states (one for the department and one for each operator)? If someone calls a operator directly to their assigned phone number, it will only create a single ringing state for that user only? Are the assumptions above correct? Thank you.