Can I Pull In Contact Data Via Webhook/API from CRM to Identify Callers?
Can I Pull In Contact Data Via Webhook/API from CRM to Identify Callers? I would like to be able to see who is calling dialpad from our prospect database which is a CRM called LineLeader. They have an open API. What is the solution? Do other CRMs integrate with dialpad to identify incoming callers? Thanks!
webhooks appear to be sending twice?
I have experienced this in both zapier and in custom code. I have set up a very simple webhook for the recap_summary on the call event. Both in zapier and in custom code I am logging each web hook call. Every so often i am logging the exact same request twice as if it has been sent through within milliseconds of each other.
How to get duration of a voicemail recording
How to get duration of a voicemail recording? the voicemail_link url currently returns a file. Is there an api or data point get duration of a voicemail
Download voicemail recording
Need help in understanding webhook payload for voicemail states. I see that there is an event "voicemail_uploaded" which is being sent after voicemail recording has completed processing. Will the voicemail recording url be part of "recording_details" in this case? because I dont see them in my logs. However "voicemail_link" in webhook has a voicemail link. Is it downloadable?
Fire an Event
I would like to use scheduled reports. Is there a way to fire these manually for testing purposes?
Request: Send missed calls to an IVR or automated response menu.
Currently in Dialpad it is not possible within a user's advanced missed call routing to route calls to an IVR workflow or automated response menu:
Call Summary and Action Items
Need call_id in response
Hello, we are using this API to make outbound call https://developers.dialpad.com/reference/usersinitiate_call We get this response:
Blocked numbers API call scope
Dialpad production verification process
Currently, we are in the testing phase of our Dialpad integration. To make the integration live in production allowing our customers to integrate their Dialpad account into our platform we need to verify the integration.