
Ask a Question

I want to identify the destination call from the parameters that can be received in the merged and hangup events of WebHooks.


Dialpad SMS data fetching not working correctly.


About DialPad App Marketplace

Hello, I have some questions regarding DialPad App Marketplace.

Is the Pagination Avaliable for Dialpad SMS report API

Im using DiaPad API to fetch users SMS (Text) Data.

Retrieving who was speaking at each moment?

Hello, when I call the Get Call Transcript API, response includes only call_id, no lines information.

Unable to get yesterday's data during midnight-2am

What is the correct way to obtain "all of yesterday's data" for a frequently running cron job?


Trying to get OCI announcements into a channel

There used to by API endpoints to post a message into a channel. I can no longer see it. We'd like to get OCI messages sent to a channel as a message. OCI can send to a custom http url or an sms (but channels don't have numbers) but I can't figure out if there is a URL I can send to for API for this. We could even do via webhooks, but even those options dont seem to all be there anymore.


What are the available APIs & Webhooks mentioned in Pro plan?

Hi, I'm a developer from Japan and am thinking of integrating DialPad into my developing app.
I would like to know what are the available APIs & Webhooks mentioned in the Pro plan for the Japan region.
I would really appreciate it if I can have some kind of list of usable APIs & Webhooks.
Thank you!


Zappier integration

I would like dialpad call a new lead every time I get a new lead on my google sheets and the call gets transfer to me.