Missed call , text back
How can I achieve this on dialpad ; when my customers call me and I'm inot on desk to pick , how hican i send an automated SMS to them telling them I'm not on desk but they can click this my website link
How to get users(agents) information login time, log out
Hi I need to access the information about the users or agents log in and log out dates or status changes. How can I do this using the api?
Sandbox account dialer CTI unable to login (403)
Currently we are using dialpad sandbox account. We were also using the dialpad CTI mini dialer in one of our app. Today i reset the password of my sandbox account. Password reset was successful. Now if i tried to login into the cti mini dialer, even if i enter the correct credentials i am getting a 404 error stating Invalid redirect URI
Making outbound call
I am trying to make an outbound call with the API using Call -- initiate via Ring. This call is being received by Dialpad and is showing whatever number I place in the "phone_number" payload. I need it to make a call from dialpad to the outbound number of my choosing. is this possible?
How can I get the sandbox API key?
I tried to create the sandbox API key for development, but I couldn't log in or signup to https://sandbox.dialpad.com. It is just saying "Federated login unauthorized" during signup, and I'm stuck on this. How can I log in to sandbox and create the sandbox API key?
Webhook call event not working for one user
Displaying external information regarding contacts in Dialpad
Hi guys,
Question about hold time
I didn't see anywhere in the call log where I can distinguish at what point a call was placed on hold, only the number of times and length of time. I also did not see this in the call journey (as I assume the call journey is generated from the call log). Is there anywhere I can see this/query this information?
I am using sms api to send a sms... and I keep getting the following error
I see there are what I assume to be API calls that can be placed on a user to set a voicemail escape digit on their voicemail. Is there documentation on how to use this call, what happens when the digit is pressed, etc?