How can I get the sandbox API key?
I tried to create the sandbox API key for development, but I couldn't log in or signup to https://sandbox.dialpad.com. It is just saying "Federated login unauthorized" during signup, and I'm stuck on this. How can I log in to sandbox and create the sandbox API key?
Webhook call event not working for one user
Displaying external information regarding contacts in Dialpad
Hi guys,
Question about hold time
I didn't see anywhere in the call log where I can distinguish at what point a call was placed on hold, only the number of times and length of time. I also did not see this in the call journey (as I assume the call journey is generated from the call log). Is there anywhere I can see this/query this information?
I am using sms api to send a sms... and I keep getting the following error
I see there are what I assume to be API calls that can be placed on a user to set a voicemail escape digit on their voicemail. Is there documentation on how to use this call, what happens when the digit is pressed, etc?
Can we implement dialpad API for calling through Web application using IP phone in dotnet core
We want to implement calling functionality using third party API through IP phone in dotnet Application
Agent Status
Is there a way to make an agent unavailable via the REST api? I only saw being able to set DND on.
Error calling the screen pop API
I'm getting this error when calling the screen pop API:
Sending sms from a call state change
Hello I am using Zapier to access api to send a sms when a call state change with a disposition and it won't give me the external number that was called. please help