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SMS API - User not found


How to export list of all text messages?

POST /stats {export_type: "records", record_type: "texts"} results in a 401 with the error message "No access to text records, only stats".

Which endpoint should I use to make an incoming call?

I need to make an automatic phone call when customers submit a from with the phone number input through our website storefront.
Which API endpoint should I call?

Call Logs stats: Duration fields

In the CSV output of call logs stats, there are a couple of fields (time_in_system, time_to_answer) that don't specify the metric. I'm guessing it's minutes, but can I get a confirmation on whether this is the case?

Call stats- Description of different categories of calls

What are different call categories in calls records retrieved from the stats api.

Call routing to external numbers

Can the call router forward the call to an external number with call router phone number as a caller ID?

Max retries exceeded with url : /api/v2/stats


Given a call ID or recording ID, how do I programmatically download recordings

I've tried appending ?apikey=<APIKEY> to the URL as well as sending the API key in the Authorization headers, but in both cases I'm getting a 403 error and what looks like a webpage. What'd be the best way to programmatically download the audio file of the call recordings?

Agent Status Events (call_center_ids)

Hello, I was hoping to get some clarification on the agent status events. In the documentation under call_center_ids it reads "A list of call centers to which the agent is currently on duty." and further goes on to mention that once an agent becomes unavailable, the call center in question will no longer be in the array of ids. However, there is also a field named on_duty_status which is causing some confusion for me.