Open Dialpad Web App for Certain Target and Contact
Hi, I'd like to auto generate urls so we can open the web app with conversation history for a certain contact and target. I notice the url is always: https://dialpad.com/app/feed/<contact_key>/<target_key> when looking at inspect element > network.
I'm on a PRO plan and unable to generate an API key. Any ideas if this is a bug or another issue?
I should be admin.
Date is not correct
"date_connected": "1728447303884",
"date_ended": "1728447348252",
"date_started": "1728447290579",
API Key Failed to Generate?
I am on a PRO Plan and already admin but still get an error "API key failed to generate. Try again later".
Call logs for specific contact
Hi team,
Dialpad for Android Auto and Apple Carplay
When will the Dialpad app be fully functionally on Android Auto and Apple Carplay?
Http request (webhook) when incoming call
Hi. I’m trying to create a webhook. So when a client call in, it will make a http request to another webserver ? Not sure where to look for in the documentation thanks
Can I get any demo video link for Dialpad Mini Dialer
Hi Dialpad Support Team,
Cannot create subscription due to conflict
Not getting "operator_call_id" in response
Currently we have a main line/department which we are all in. I am trying to use the Call --List API to get a list of calls depending on the user who answers. Currently I can't differentiate between users, because every call that goes to the main department ends up on the list.