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Webhook retry and/or time limit?

Are webhooks/subscription events retried if they encounter an error response?

Decode JWT Token in Power Automate

Hi, I already create webhook and want to retrieve call list. in my webhook, it include with secret key. Is it possible to decode the JWT token using Power Automate?

incomprehensible bug

When I throw
"days_ago_end": 1,
"days_ago_start": 1,
"timezone": "UTC",
"coaching_group": true,
"coaching_team": true,
"export_type": "records",
"group_by": "user",
"is_today": false,
"stat_type": "calls"
I receive
"already_started": true,
"request_id": "fa8daf6c-cbe3-4998-9ef5-bf0dabd5abd5"

Some Questions about inbound Messages (SMS/MMS)

Is there a plan to have any way to take an ID and request the message data?

Call Disposition Data

Is it on the road map to include call disposition in either the /stats reports or the /calls API?

Checking on webhook of another dialpad account

We have a production oauth API set up with webhooks and events being created when SMS are sent through Dialpad. We successfully set this up using the account with which the API key is registered.
We have since had someone with a separate Dialpad account use our process to register a webhook and event so that we can log SMS sent by their account.
When I log in using our Dialpad account and run a SMS Event list or a Webhook list API call, I only see my own events, no events that would have been created when the new user registered a new webhook/event. Should I be able to see all webhooks/events using that API, or just the ones using the account which I used to generate a token?
At this stage, it looks to me like a webhook and event were set up, but I have no way of verifying this.
Are you able to confirm that there is a webhook and event with the secret starting 83 and ending Cp using the API key starting ctWj and ending PQSy4.
The dialpad account that owns this api key is riacomp.

Webhook called as soon as a Call is established

I was looking at the page below and it wasn't clear to me if the registered web hook will be called immediately once a call is connected?

Stats -- Initiate Processing returns request_id fine but getting results varies

Tried C# and now PowerShell. Attempting to automate daily download of calls. Sending Invoke-WebRequest which returns request_id just fine (every time). Then use the request_id to get results...sometimes it only returns 200 "status": "processing" and other times it returns "download_url" as expected. When the "status": "processing" is returned, it of course bombs out the rest of the script which opens the download_url to save the file.

SMS from Toll-free number?

Is it possible to SMS from a Toll-free number?

Unexpected behavior with SMS when user does not have a number

Our account has numbers assigned to Call Centers, but individual users do not have numbers assigned.