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Webhook called as soon as a Call is established

I was looking at the page below and it wasn't clear to me if the registered web hook will be called immediately once a call is connected?


Subscriptions when a webhook is deleted

What happens to event subscriptions (Call, SMS) when their associated webhook is deleted?

Stats -- Initiate Processing returns request_id fine but getting results varies

Tried C# and now PowerShell. Attempting to automate daily download of calls. Sending Invoke-WebRequest which returns request_id just fine (every time). Then use the request_id to get results...sometimes it only returns 200 "status": "processing" and other times it returns "download_url" as expected. When the "status": "processing" is returned, it of course bombs out the rest of the script which opens the download_url to save the file.

SMS from Toll-free number?

Is it possible to SMS from a Toll-free number?

Unexpected behavior with SMS when user does not have a number

Our account has numbers assigned to Call Centers, but individual users do not have numbers assigned.

DTMF Contacts for an Office.

I'm trying to add contacts through API, rather than thru the app to make it available for everyone in an office, but it doesn't accept commas. It will submit with only the number

Call Center List office_id not working


API key and webhook

Hi team,

What is the UID for on a Contact?

In the contacts (v2) API, there is a PUT (aka "Create or Update") call which requires a UID in the body. The doc for the call describes the UID as "The unique id to be included as part of the contact's generated id." This makes it sound like the UID is not the actual ID but somehow controls the ID calculation. But in fact doing two consecutive PUTs with the same UID in the body does not update the contact created by the first call; the second call returns a contact with a new ID entirely. And using the ID of a contact in the UID of a PUT does not cause that contact to be updated, instead a new contact is created with a different ID.

Non SMS capable error

I'm receiving an error that my number is not SMS capable when it is... The number is +61485834373