Outgoing calls, recording
We have call recording automatically enabled for all calls.
Stats - Initiate Processing - Getting Same Report
I'm attempting to build our own internal dashboard using the stats, however I'm running into a bug where I keep getting the same download_url when initiating a report request.
Webhook not receiving events
Hi I created a webhook and subscribed for events and I am unable to receive the data.
How to disconnect dialpad voice call using API.
Hi there, I am using java language and spring mvc framework.
User create API now returns errors "reserved phone number required"
User create API used to work fine, but recently it started returning an error.
User create API does not have a "reserved phone number" parameter, so what kind of improvement is needed to address this?
Is there a way for my icon in the task bar to show I am on DND?
I tend to forget to take DND off in the morning and have gone half a day with out realizing its on. Either put an x thru it or change colors or just anything to show DND is on would be great.
API for listing all calls
Is there an API call for listing all calls made?
Call on Hold Pickup
Hi - We'd like to see an option available where a call can be placed on hold, then be picked up from another extension. This would not be a transfer because the call may need to be on hold for a minute or two before the pickup happens.
Identify Abandoned Calls from Webhook
Prepopulate Mini Dialer